Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I feel you today

I cannot think of many other times when I feel more alive than when I am in a natural setting, especially when I am running. I tend to really connect with God when I am outdoors. I love those runs when my mind is flooded with thoughts from the Lord. Today was one of those runs.

I feel you in my footsteps…thank you for direction.

I feel you in my strides…thank you for movement.

I feel you in my breath…thank you for life.

I hear you among the birds…thank you for your song.

I feel you in my sweat…thank you for your sacrifice.

I feel you in the wind…thank you for never changing.

I feel you in my heartbeat…thank you for your love.

I feel you in my weakness…thank you for your strength.

I feel you today…thank you.