Sunday, January 2, 2011


Memories. Some can be so wonderful, and others not so much. But you know those memories when your heart was so full you almost couldn’t bear it? Those memories that make you smile when you recall them? I love those. It’s the beginning of another year and I’m a very sentimental person. I think back on the past year- about things that were good and things that weren’t. For me, the year 2010 included trips, special events, and holidays. But it also included times when I didn’t do anything at all, and I simply spent time with the people I love so much, and I simply enjoyed being in their presence. My memories of 2010 include:

-Going to Colorado on Spring Break and staying in a cabin with friends
-Getting baptized
-Going to barn dances and not caring what a ridiculous dancer I was
-Playing ultimate frisbee
-Running the Lincoln half-marathon with my dad
-Watching the old and new Pride and Prejudice with my friends Amanda and Chrissy
-Hanging out at my friends’ Kristen and Jenna’s cabin and fishing
-Seeing my friend Lauren get married
-Visiting my friend Jorji at her home in the Nebraska countryside
-Going to the Big Stone Lake for our annual CHS reunion to see family friends
-Going to Breckinridge, CO with my family and seeing family friends
-Hiking with my dad in Colorado
-Wading into the Eagle River in Colorado with my sister
-Watching softball games with Amanda and Chrissy on summer nights
-Seeing my friend Jenn return from being in China for the summer at the airport
-Watching The Office with my parents on summer nights
-Going to the College World Series with friends and my dad on summer nights
-Celebrating my 21st at Buffalo Wild Wings with friends
-Running and training for the Des Moines Marathon with my dad
-Going to the Tenth Avenue North concert with friends in Sioux City
-Going to Husker football games with my dad
-Taking walks with friends around campus
-Going on runs in the evening and witnessing the most beautiful sunsets
-Jamming out to songs while driving with friends
-Spending snow days in the dorms
-Laughing my butt off with my aunt, sister, mom, and grandma during Thanksgiving break
-Hanging out, watching movies, tv, talking and receiving encouraging notes and card from friends throughout the year

My memories of 2010 mean nothing to you, but these memories that I've listed, big or small, mean everything to me. I hope that you have your own special memories that make you smile when you think back on this past year. I hope that you can recall the moments where you almost burst from happiness; moments when the only words that seem right are "thank you." I hope you can recall times when you were so content in that instance in time, that it became etched into your brain forever. Memories like those are gifts from the Lord and are reminders that his love is for real. Happy New Year to you.

1 comment:

  1. oh i will never regret those hours upon hours spent watching Pride and Prejudice. Good times. You are such a great friend. I love you. Thank you for everything you do for me.
