Monday, March 28, 2011

He's beckoning...

Two close friends of mine and I decided to read through the bible chronologically. I have always been intimidated by the bible itself and by people who are knowledgeable about it. For years, I used the same excuses for not diving into the Word: It’s too confusing; it’s too long; I don’t have time to read the bible and my textbooks. But about a year ago, I began feeling a nudge from the Holy Spirit to read the bible regularly. When my friends told me what they were doing, I saw it as an opportunity to finally do what the Lord had been asking.

It’s only been a few months, but I have enjoyed it more than I ever imagined. In fact, I find myself actually craving it more and more. I remember when I finished Genesis, I was so excited because I’d never read an entire book of the bible- not even 3 John. The best part was that I understood what I had read. Yes, there were genealogies and names that were confusing at times, but I had the general idea. And if I was confused, I’d discuss it with my friends. Most of the time we’d be confused about the same things, and we’d compare footnotes, examine different versions of our bibles, and talk about verses that stuck out to us.

Of the many characters that have been introduced thus far, Moses has been my favorite. At first I was jealous of Moses (like many of the other Israelites) because God spoke to him directly. In fact, a footnote in my bible says that God communicated with Moses in more than 20 ways and over 150 times. That blew my mind when I read that. Isn’t that what we all long for?

There are things about Moses that are easy to relate to. He messed up when he killed an Egyptian. We’ve messed up too. Moses was asked by God to lead His enslaved people out of bondage, though he had doubts and insecurities. When the Lord asks us to do things we don’t think we are able to accomplish, we are reluctant too. But Moses was obedient to what God asked him to do and say to the Israelites. What I found most interesting about Moses is that one sin kept him out of the Promised Land, though he had spent forty years putting up with the Israelites’ complaints and rebellions. God shows no favoritism. He even threatens to wipe out all of the Israelites for their disobedience.

If there is one central idea to what these four books I’ve read so far, it is obedience. God does not ask us to be obedient…He demands it. He is dead serious about it. Even though he chose Moses to act on His behalf, He did not hold him to different standards. Whatever the precise reasons, instructions, or circumstances, we need to understand that God commands our complete obedience.

I’m so guilty of ignoring God. I avoid Him when he calls me away from schoolwork, my computer, or friends to spend time with him in the Word or in prayer. I don’t forgive when He asks me to. I hold on to lies when He asks me to believe in His truths. God does not ask us to do all these things to take away from our having fun. God wants us to experience life abundantly.

Obedience is not easy. But whatever He's beckoning you do to, I pray you'll listen. He has your best interest in mind.

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